back to MUSEUMTake your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse hunting. Share the omega-3 filled meat for a healthier longer life. Sharing your hunting/fishing with your partner pays many dividends beyond bonding/sharing and self-discovery. The broad smile on Barbara Brookins-Schneider’s face with her Canada Goose reflects more than the excitement of “the hunt.” An urban-reared fifth generation southern California-reared insulation-lacking young woman breaking ice to place decoys in the dark in below zero fresh air for the opportunity to hunt in the wild sounds like either a disaster brewing or a dream come true. The exhilaration of the outdoors during focused awareness of every aspect of the surroundings pales as the resounding approaching honking of unseen Canada Geese leads to rhythmic wing beats almost as loud as your heart. As the flock bursts through the fog at what seems like basketball rim height, frozen fingers and tortured toes are forgotten as it is time to directly experience the primal survival technique of our predecessors. The loud bang of the shotgun is unnoticed as time turns to a non-moving picture until the target tumbles. Barbara’s first shot almost resulted in the target falling on her head as she watched it kink in awe. Proper preparation including shooting lessons and a perfect fitting over/under proved fruitful when the opportunity arrived. A humble attitude of gratitude continues to warm the body and soul as the healthy sustenance from the sky is gathered. The soul and body require nourishment to survive and flourish. Do vegetables from your own garden that required soil preparation, planting, weeding, picking, cleaning, cooking, and serving taste better than the store-bought not comparables? Are these home-grown vegetables implicitly healthier for body and soul or is it the direct connection with their existence and harvest the key ingredient? The pictures above verify that Barbara’s first Canada Goose hunting adventure was repeated again in the even colder ponds of Alberta in view of the majestic Rocky Mountains. The holiday banquet of sharing Barbara’s first bagged wild bird ever with family paralleled the hunt’s healthful exercise and early morning invigoration by providing wild stay meat with low fat (3%-4% like fish) and the least polluted, organic, growth-hormone free and antibiotic free source of omega-3 fatty acids. Such omega-3 fatty acids are used by our bodies to produce supple thinner cell walls instead of omega-6 fatty acids which produce brittle thicker cell walls. In scientific studies (New York Times, May 2001) omega-3 fights heart disease by decreasing arterial inflammation and irregular heart rhythms, protects against colon and prostate cancer, while reducing episodes of mania and depression. Although the highest source of omega-3 is fatty fish like wild fish (not farm raised—which due apparently to a lack of long distance swimming lack high levels of omega-3 and are fed dyes to turn their flesh pink like wild salmon) such as tuna, swordfish, and Pacific and Atlantic salmon, they pose the risk of massive doses of mercury and other heavy metals and pollutants so their intake is recommended to be limited. Wild stays (probably due to its migration and constant movement versus domesticated fare) are the next best source of omega-3 without the intake restrictions for pollution. Wild stays unfortunately cannot be sold in the United States. (Please see the prose with the picture of a single hunter holding two Canada Geese.) The venison, deer, and ostrich that can be purchased is domesticated (mostly from New Zealand). The only exception is buffalo (American Bison). Vice President Dick Cheney eats buffalo (related by Mary Matlin) as well as wild stays from his myriad hunts instead of beefsteak to ameliorate his ancestral and present heart disease. Even beluga whale skin (Maktaag) harvested by the Inuit in the Arctic Ocean has been found to dramatically reduce cholesterol and heart disease (50% lower than the Quebec average) among perceived high risk Salluit. The oldest man in America (No. 2 on the world’s oldest male list as of December 2003) recalled on his 113th birthday that when he was 100 years old and went hunting with his grandchildren he bagged a deer. |