Photos of Habitat & Mounds |
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1) From the North Entrance to Southwest--> | a) Spring b) Fall |
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2) From an Adjacent Property to South --> | a) Spring | |
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3) From the South Center to West --> | a) Fall | |
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4) Southwest Deep Pond from East to Northwest --> | a) Spring | |
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5) Center West Pond from East to South --> | a) Spring | |
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6) Center East Pond from East to Northwest --> | a) Spring |
Dunn #5 is subject to a conservation easement in favor of the Natural Heritage Land Trust, Inc., Dane County and the Town of Dunn. Such easement encompasses the entire property. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the easement and rules set forth by MāHUNT, the following activities are strictly prohibited from occurring on Dunn #5:
No trees, shrubs, or plants may be cut, trimmed, or damaged (including trimming, cutting or damaging the vegetation for such reasons as creating a shooting lane or construction, installation and/or operation of a tree stand)
No trees, shrubs, or plants may be removed from the property by entrants.
No swimming, fishing, jumping into or swinging over any of the three ponds that are located on the subject property is permitted.
Be careful to stay within the boundaries of the property and not go onto any adjacent property (such as to the west of the property) where heightened hazards may exist.
1. The log book is located just west of the parking area, which is about three (3) car-lengths to the south on the gravel road off West Tower Road (approximately 100 feet west of U.S. Highway 51). Entrant(s) must record in the log book the type/name of each floatation device or non-motorized watercraft that he/she/they bring onto the property prior to doing so.
2. Be careful when walking near any marsh or wetland (whether frozen or unfrozen), waterways (whether frozen or unfrozen) or paths, particularly to or near the three ponds in the southwest corner of the property and do not attempt to wade/cross any ditches, waterways or open water to both minimize the human impact as well as avoiding falling or drowning. Be careful when walking in snow, particularly if you are unsure as to the status of the underlying ground.
3. Be careful when walking in the wooded areas and avoid being near any trees during storms, winds, or calm as limbs or trees falling can be hazardous.
4. No climbing is permitted, except when recreating in the placement of or occupation of Applicant's and/or Companion's own portable tree stand (up to two per entrant), including climbing steps, and while wearing and utilizing an appropriate safety harness.
5. Applicant may bring a floatation device or non-motorized watercraft onto the subject property. If a floatation device or non-motorized watercraft is brought onto the MāHUNT property/habitat, Applicant and Companion (if applicable) must, at all times when using such devices, wear a life jacket that is of a design and type that has been approved by the State of Wisconsin for use by an individual with the same height and weight as Applicant and Companion (if applicable) in the manner that the life jacket was intended to be used. Applicant and Companion (if applicable) may NOT transport a floatation device or non-motorized watercraft by use of a motorized vehicle beyond the parking area, which is approximately three car-lengths south of West Tower Road.
6. No wading is permitted in the three ponds in the southwest part of the property unless wearing a life jacket that is of a design and type that has been approved by the State of Wisconsin for use by an individual with the same height and weight as Applicant and Companion (if applicable) in the manner that the life jacket was intended to be used.
7. No hunting or trapping is permitted. No guns, rifles, bows or arrows are permitted on the property.
8. No fishing, swimming, jumping into or swinging over any of the three ponds located on the property is permitted.
9. Applicant and Companion (if applicable) must stay within the boundaries of the property and not go onto adjacent properties (such as to the west of the property) where heightened hazards may exist. See aerial map for boundaries of subject property.
10. No trees, shrubs, or plants may be cut, trimmed, or damaged (including, trimming, cutting, or damaging the vegetation for such reasons as creating a shooting lane or construction, installation and/or operation of a tree stand).
11. No trees, shrubs, or plants may be removed from the property by entrants.
12. Each entrant to the property may be accompanied by one dog (not required on a leash) from September 1 � March 1 of each year. Entrants should ensure that the dog that accompanies him/her is not inclined to bark. If an entrant has brought a dog that disturbs the habitat with excessive or continual barking, MāHUNT reserves the right to bar such entrant from bringing any dog onto the subject property in the future. However, from March 2 � August 31 of each year, dogs are NOT permitted on the property to ensure minimal disturbance to the property/habitat and wildlife during their early rearing.
individual violating such rule (and/or the group that such individual
states that he/she represents) paying to
treble damages plus legal
fees and being prohibited from entering any
property/habitat in the
future. Any and all individuals signing this Log Book hereby agree to such
penalties for such violations by signing and entering the subject
1. The hunting log book is located just west of the parking area, which is about three car- lengths to the south on the gravel road off West Tower Road (approximately 100 feet west of U.S. Highway 51). Entrant(s) must record in the hunting log book the type/name of each floatation device or non-motorized watercraft that he/she/they bring onto the property prior to doing so.
2. No carrying of an uncased gun or uncased or not fully covered bow or shooting of a gun or bow may take place in the northwest two-thirds of the property/habitat, including, not within 300 feet of any residence). See aerial photo of the property for diagonally lined designated NO HUNTING AREA (in the Properties Section).
3. No deer hunting (whether with a bow or shot gun with slugs) may be conducted on the property, except from a safe portable tree stand (erected and owned and brought onto the property by Applicant and/or Companion, if applicable) at least 15 feet above the surrounding ground.
4. Be careful when discharging a bow or firearm to avoid shooting towards the two residences along West Tower Road on the north side of the property as well as the third residence on the east side of the property along U.S. Highway 51. See aerial map of subject property.
5. Be careful when walking near any marsh or wetland (whether frozen or unfrozen), waterways (whether frozen or unfrozen) or paths, particularly to or near the three ponds in the southwest corner of the property and do not attempt to wade/cross any ditches, waterways or open water to both minimize the human impact as well as avoiding falling or drowning. Be careful when walking in snow, particularly if you are unsure as to the status of the underlying ground.
6. Be careful when walking in the wooded areas and avoid being near any trees during storms, winds or calm as limbs or trees falling can be hazardous.
7. No wading is permitted in the three ponds in the southwest part of the property unless wearing a life jacket that is of a design and type that has been approved by the State of Wisconsin for use by an individual with the same height and weight as Applicant and Companion (if applicable) in the manner that the life jacket was intended to be used.
8. No climbing is permitted, except when recreating in the placement of or occupation of Applicant's and/or Companion's own portable tree stand (up to two per entrant), including climbing steps, and while wearing and utilizing an appropriate safety harness.
9. Be careful to stay within the boundaries of the property and not go onto any adjacent property (such as to the west of the property) where heightened hazards may exist. See aerial map for boundaries of the subject property.
10. Shotguns (with shot shells not slugs) may be used for squirrel, rabbit, bird or (with slugs) deer hunting, and bows and arrows may be used for bird or deer hunting. No handguns or crossbows are permitted on the properties/habitat.
11. Be careful legally setting traps for fur-bearing animals.
12. No fishing, swimming, jumping into or swinging over any of the three ponds located on the property.
13. No trees, shrubs, or plants may be cut, trimmed, or damaged (including, trimming, cutting, or damaging the vegetation for such reasons as creating a shooting lane or construction, installation and/or operation of a tree stand).
14. No trees, shrubs, or plants may be removed from the property by entrants.
15. Each entrant to the property may be accompanied by one dog (not required on a leash) from September 1 � March 1 of each year. Entrants should ensure that the dog that accompanies him/her is not inclined to bark. If an entrant has brought a dog that disturbs the habitat with excessive or continual barking, MāHUNT reserves the right to bar such entrant from bringing any dog onto the subject property in the future. However, from March 2 � August 31 of each year, dogs are NOT permitted on the property to ensure minimal disturbance to the property/habitat and wildlife during their early rearing.
ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE HUNTING LOG BOOK'S RULES OR THIS SPECIFIC PROPERTY/HABITAT'S ATTACHED RESTRICTIONS AND WARNINGS shall result in the individual violating such rule (and/or the group that such individual states that he/she represents) paying to
treble damages plus legal fees and being prohibited from entering any
property/habitat in the future. Any and all individuals signing this Hunting Log Book hereby agree to such penalties for such violations by signing and entering the subject property/habitat.