Preserving Land for U + 1®
Lloyd A. Schneider/Daphne H. Schneider
Mounds and Habitat Uniting Native Tribes Foundation, Inc.
"Life consists with wildness....The most alive is the wildest...In Wildness is the preservation of the World." Henry David Thoreau
"There are certain things that cannot be enjoyed by everybody. If everybody tries to enjoy them, nobody gets any pleasure out of them." Robert Marshall
"Hunting partakes directly in Nature's sacrament --- transcending a vacuous voyeur to a guiding guardian." James A. Schneider
"Everybody knows, for example, that the autumn
landscape in the north woods is the land, plus a red maple, plus a
ruffed grouse. In terms of conventional physics, the grouse represents
only a millionth of either the mass or the energy of an acre. Yet
subtract the grouse and the whole thing is dead. An enormous amount of
some kind of motive power has been lost." Aldo Leopold
"The sweetest hunts are stolen. To steal a
hunt, either go far into the wilderness where no one has been, or else
find some undiscovered place under everybody's nose." A Sand County
Almanac by Aldo Leopold
"Remember that with large corporations and rich individuals gobbling up property to
keep everyone out and conservancies, big government and its agencies devouring land through purchase and eminent domain condemnations to
let everyone or no one in, there must be places preserved for "everyman/everywoman" plus one human companion to use unbothered by his/her brethren." James A. Schneider
"Perhaps the hunter is the greatest friend of
animals hunted, not excepting the Humane Society." Henry David Thoreau
Jane Everyman
123 Basic Plan Way
McFarland, WI 53558
Dear Jane:
Do you prefer strolling in solitude in the outdoors or walking on public land and jostling with others?
MāHUNT has been formed to:
1) Put back to wild and preserve isolated natural properties/habitat for U + 1 (after winning a free draw) to stroll or hunt in solitude and directly learn the importance of continued licensed ethical hunting through experiencing those properties' balance of land, habitat, native plants and wildlife (SEE
WWW.MAHUNT.ORG "Properties" Section for access to four of
MāHUNT’s five properties/habitat1 located south of Madison, Wisconsin);
2) Educate the public directly through
hunting and museum(s)/pictures displaying examples and art depicting wildlife, habitat and hunting (virtual at
WWW.MAHUNT.ORG) and physical at MāHUNT 5906
Main Street, McFarland, WI and videos (available by writing to MāHUNT at 5906 Main Street, Box 3, McFarland, Wisconsin 53558)2, that show the sanctity, self-reliance, and
importance of past and continued ethical regulated licensed hunting. Bow hunting and fly fishing,
particularly preserve the balance of land, habitat, native plants and wildlife.
MāHUNT (Lloyd A. Schneider/Daphne H. Schneider Mounds and Habitat Uniting Native Tribes Foundation, Inc.) is a private operating charitable/education foundation, which is recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code").
MāHUNT was formed to procure, put back to wild,
and preserve property/habitat for U + 1 to stroll or hunt undisturbed by winning a free draw or through making the highest blind cash bid for any three day period during the year (any Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for the free draw, and any Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the blind cash bid). Approximately 100 days during the legal hunting season, entrants to the properties
may hunt, but they have the freedom to just enjoy the scenery and imbibe the tranquility and solitude during that period similar to the rest of the
The direct experiencing/connection to isolated natural property/habitat allows entrants to commune in solitude, absorb tranquility, afford authentic liberation, learn the importance of continued ethical licensed hunting (especially bow and arrow), and foster health through both the healthiest meat available as well as the pursuit of the hunt. My father, Lloyd A. Schneider, died of leukemia on January 25, 1998. In 1988 he had been told (when it was discovered by doctors) that he had two years to live and that he should enjoy life, since there was little that could be done for him. His two year sentence was commuted – he enjoyed ten more wonderful years of life, not from drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, or other forms of traditional medicine, but, from
nature and the outdoors alone or with a loved one – mostly me. I retired in late 1992 partially to have time to spend with my Dad and to repay him for all that he shared with me and taught me.
Each time that his white blood cell count would rise to the point where chemotherapy was recommended as a way to prolong his life (if you call it a life when and after you go through chemotherapy), I would say to my Dad, "Dad, let's go fishing" or "Dad, let's go to Montana and enjoy the mountains and hunting." This was every season of the year. After the one or two week respite from life's frantic pace and people who always needed my Dad's help (he was a lawyer in a small town), he would have his white blood cell count taken. The doctor's response was one of awe and bewilderment. The doctor would say, "This cannot be, your white blood count has dropped in half over three weeks – it is not possible, but, whatever you are doing, keep doing it."
Was it being surrounded by a loved one, doing what he loved? Was it the fresh mountain air or the running water of the rivers creating ions that made his brain feel pleasure? Was it the hunt with a fresh steelhead trout returned unharmed to its lair or with a bird or deer harvested for the lowest fat red meat available (less than skinless chicken) that was free of antibiotics and hormones? Was it the solitude and refreshment or the elimination of the demands of others that needed help? I believe that it was the solitude in a pristine place combined with a return to how all our ancestors procured their daily bread in the positive vibrations of love from within and without from one another that prolonged my Dad's life.
MāHUNT affords such activities.
Recent New York Times "Science" sections, including the February 19, 2002 edition, relate the discovery of one of wild game's healthy aspects. It states, "Wild animals not only have less total fat than livestock fed on grain, but, more of their fat is of a kind (omega-3) thought to be good for
cardiac health, and less of a kind (omega-6) that promotes heart disease." The apparent reason centers on cell wall formation. When new cells are cloned in our bodies, the body searches for omega-3 to use, if it finds some, it makes the cell walls from it. Those cell walls are more pliant and supple and, therefore, less brittle and more long-lived.4 If the body cannot find omega-3, it makes the cell walls from omega-6, which are brittle and shorter-lived. Since a cell apparently can be cloned about twenty plus times before mutations occur (the probable early link to cancer), the longer each cell lasts the longer it takes to exhaust the maximum cloning effectiveness before mutations occur, e.g., longer, better, healthier lives.
The Wall Street Journal (August 26,
2003 page D1) notes that traditional medicine has begun to realize the
healthfulness of directly experiencing the wild:
"Common sense and experience tell us that
hiking in the wild or working in a garden can be emotionally restorative.
Now, scientists are beginning to understand why: gardening – or simply
observing a lush landscape – holds a powerful ability to promote
measurable improvements in mental and even physical health
One study
that people who were exposed to nature recovered from stress more quickly
than others who weren't: what's more, the positive effects took hold
within just a few minutes. Our earliest ancestors, Dr. Ulrich theorizes,
likely needed a way to swiftly recover from a traumatic experience such as
a hunt, a battle or an attack from a wild animal. You can imagine that
those who could look out at the open savannah, seeing its safety and
tranquility, and quickly feel calm but also alert to their environment
would likely have a survival benefit over others."
MāHUNT’s properties/habitat have general and specific rules to ensure safety on its properties/habitat and to adjoining areas and minimal disturbance of wildlife and habitat. For example, no motorized vehicles (except for parking just inside the property or on
MāHUNT (Dunn #1) and MāHUNT (Dunn #3) for transporting water craft), no noise making devices or activities, no alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, and no domestic animals like dogs are permitted on the property/habitat (except one dog per entrant is allowed on
MāHUNT (Dunn #3) and MāHUNT (Dunn #5) between September 1 and March 1).
Hunting's History
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, located in New York, New York, featured an ancient Egyptian art exhibit in 2000. The Pharaoh was depicted with a bow and arrow hunting game. The curator imparted the special nature of the hunt with a bow – only the Pharaoh (the god's direct ambassador) was allowed to hunt wild game with a bow, no one else could assume that preferred posture. Perhaps we are all kings today, since we have the freedom to hunt with a bow and arrow for wild game during the legal hunting season.
Archeologists believe the Egyptians probably
used a rod for fishing around 1400 B.C. Approximately 1,600 years later,
the first written reference (about 200 A.D.) to fly-fishing in Aelian's
Natural History recorded the Macedonians fishing.
London's most famous parks of today were only saved because they were the King's favorite hunting areas. St. James Park in the 1600's was the King of England's special deer and waterfowl hunting area. Hyde Park/Kensington Palace served as the King's exclusive waterfowl hunting area in the 1700's.
These isolated (once) natural properties although altered from their initial hunting focus serve today to give world travelers and urban dwellers a respite from the frantic place. Without hunting to preserve them, they would just be overcrowded sprawl.
The Statue of Liberty's symbol of democratic freedom for all citizens in the United States of America was given to us by the French. Its spirit sprung from the French Revolution, where democracy overcame dictatorship. The advent of democracy through the French Revolution did not arise until the peasants of France joined the movement. They would not endorse democracy until they were promised the right to hunt, since previously hunting had only been the purview of property owners (the rich).
In America, during the late 1800's and early 1900's, three birds became nearly extinct – the ivory billed woodpecker, the passenger pigeon, and wild turkeys/ducks. The ivory billed woodpecker's advocates would be called environmentalists. No one hunted ivory billed woodpeckers, so as its habitat dwindled, and without hunters as supporters, environmentalists' absence of
avocation or existence meant no one stopped their extinction. Passenger pigeons (although
sporadically sport hunted) were shot by business/cash minded pursuers that loaded wagons with their carcasses after they lit in trees so thickly that they broke the branches. Businessmen failed to stop their complete absence from the landscape. Wild turkeys, ducks, and geese were hunted by businessmen for cash and also hunters for sport. When these birds' numbers plummeted to almost extinction (fewer than 30,000 wild turkeys in the 1890's), businessmen did nothing to replenish them, while hunters formed organizations to reintroduce them to areas where they were completely eliminated, improve their habitat, and impose no hunting and then limited hunting until they reached a balance in nature. Today, there are more wild turkeys in America (over 5,000,000 according to NWTF vs. less than 30,000 in the 1890s) than at any time in our history, and wild ducks (over 105,000,000 today from 55,000,000 in 1985) and geese have been brought back to large numbers. WITHOUT LICENSED ETHICAL HUNTERS SUPPORTING THE CAUSE OF WILD PRESERVED LAND/HABITAT, WILD TURKEY/DUCKS/GEESE WOULD BE LIKE THE ENVIRONMENTALISTS' IVORY BILLED WOODPECKER AND BUSINESS' PASSENGER PIGEON -- EXTINCT.
Teddy Roosevelt was a famous hunter of the late 1800s and early 1900s. As President, he started the Federal Refuge System for migrating birds, established most of our National Parks (including, Yellowstone and Yosemite), and pressed for Monument Status for special natural isolated areas. Without a past ethical hunter like Teddy Roosevelt, who would have saved those great (near pristine) wild places?
Another outspoken hunter, Huey D. Johnson, just received the United Nations' Environmental Program (UNEP) Sasakawa Prize for 40 years of championing the environment. When asked "Doesn't killing animals conflict with your views on saving wildlife?", he said, "Not at all. I'm a meat eater. If you're going to eat meat, someone has to kill it, and I'm better off killing my own meat."
MāHUNT’s Funding, Website, Access to the Properties/Habitat, Property Locations
MāHUNT’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws have been established to hold, preserve, and maintain near pristine wild property/habitat for perpetuity. They can only be changed by a unanimous vote of the board of directors. Although over 99% of the funding of approximately $1,800,000 of
MāHUNT since its inception in 1999 has come from the Schneider family, it is anticipated that more public funding will emerge as more people become aware of
MāHUNT’s objectives and their implementation. MāHUNT has committed to attempt to acquire property/habitat in the townships and counties identified by its charitable contributors when possible. As stated in
its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws,
MāHUNT was established as a Wisconsin corporation with the intention that
it will last in perpetuity.
MāHUNT’s website (WWW.MAHUNT.ORG) has highway and small roads maps to the properties and aerial satellite and aerial pictures
of each property under "Properties," and has copies of applications for
the two different periods (e.g., when hunting is permitted and when it is
not permitted) and the two different three-day periods each week when
admittance is permitted (e.g., Friday, Saturday, and Sunday under the free
draw and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday under the blind cash bid).
Applications are due September 15 of each year for the following calendar
year (e.g., due September 15, 2004 for
all three-day periods in 2005 on MāHUNT
(Dunn #1), (Dunn #2), (Dunn #3) and (Dunn #5).
See the attached map for locations of the five properties (see also Footnote #1).
What MāHUNT is NOT!
1) A private or public hunting club or game farm.
MāHUNT is just like any other farm, where the owner can let people onto his/her property for free or charge them a fee and either permit them to hunt or not hunt during the legal regional or statewide wild game/bird seasons.
MāHUNT does not allow hunting outside those seasons and does not raise or release wild or raised birds onto its or anyone
else's property.
2) A government owned property with unlimited anytime access for anyone and everyone that could eliminate the tranquility of the property.
Membership in MāHUNT is available for $25.00 per year ending December 31 of each year. No voting rights are given to members, but, members will receive:
1. A statement of recognition that members have advanced the cause of
MāHUNT and because no goods or services were exchanged, their membership payment is tax deductible to the full extent of the law;
2. Periodic updates on MāHUNT’s properties/habitat; and
3. The ability to specify with their membership contribution or with additional charitable contributions a geographical location where they prefer future sites be acquired by
MāHUNT for its purposes. MāHUNT will commit to attempt to acquire future sites near the residence of contributors or near the area that they specify in their letters of membership or contribution based on the aggregate dollars contributed.
Please join MāHUNT and its efforts to procure,
put back to wild, propagate, preserve, protect, perpetuate, and pay for isolated natural properties/habitat where up to two people at one time per property can commune in (near pristine) nature with solitude by becoming a member and making an additional charitable contribution by check or VISA and sending it to Post Office Box 628426, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562-8426.
MāHUNT’s website also provides a charitable contribution/membership form. If you value
MāHUNT’s efforts, it would gladly accept your membership. Entrants to the property, however, do NOT need to be members.
The officers and directors of MāHUNT serve for no compensation, except reimbursement of out of pocket expenses.
Preserving Land for U+1
5906 Main Street, Box 3
McFarland, WI 53558
/s/ James A. Schneider
James A. Schneider
/s/ Daphne H Schneider
Daphne H. Schneider
Senior Vice President
- (a) MāHUNT (Dunn #1) – approximately 38.2 acres east of McFarland, WI with the entrance on the south side of the first perpendicular bend in Elvehjem Road (acquired on October 22, 1999).
(b) MāHUNT (Dunn #2) – approximately 35.6 acres south of McFarland at 2770 East Tower Road (acquired on July 17, 2000).
(c) MāHUNT (Dunn #3) – approximately 67.5 acres midway between McFarland and Oregon at 4243 Schneider Drive (acquired on October 10, 2001).
(d) MāHUNT (Dunn #4) – this property is a 1/11th interest in an island that is approximately 5.2 acres in the east-middle of Hook Lake. Hook Lake abuts Dunn #3 on its southern edge (acquired on October 10, 2001).
(e) MāHUNT (Dunn #5) – approximately 46 acres south of McFarland at 2727 U.S. Highway 51 (acquired on February 28, 2002).
- One video tape/picture is available free to each household/entity every calendar quarter. Videos/pictures range from Bow Hunting for Dall Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Elk, Mule Deer, Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, Stone Sheep, and Whitetail Deer to Hunting wild turkey in California, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Wisconsin,
ducks, geese, pheasants, Hungarian partridge, ruffed grouse in Alberta,
Montana, South Dakota, and Wisconsin and Flyfishing for Atlantic Salmon in Norway, Bonefish/Milkfish in the Seychelles, Brown Trout (searun) in Tierra del Fuego or in Alberta (The Bow River), to Steelhead Fishing in British Columbia.
- Those 100 days include no Mondays and run from September 1st through December 31st of each year, plus from April 15th through May 15th for Dunn #3.
- Sidney MacDonald Baker, M.D., Detoxification & Healing – The Key to Optimal Health.
This site and its contents are not intended to be solicitations for membership or other charitable contributions to
MāHUNT in any state where registration or licensing for such solicitation is required and
MāHUNT is not registered or licensed. As of December 31, 2003, MāHUNT is registered, licensed or qualified to solicit contributions in the following states: Arizona,
California, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin. No registration or licensing is required in the following states: Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Montana, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont and Wyoming.